Saturday, September 15, 2012

BRIGHTER SIDE Page 2 & 3 ,Final Color

Final Sketch : Sun'sept'2nd'2012

Final Color : Weds'Sept'12th'2012

Final Sketch: Sunday'Sept'2nd'2012  

                                                        Final Color : Weds'Sept'12th'2012

(Ruff and Final Sketched Storyboards ,with Color pages comparison)

" took a solid week to finish,from Sunday'Sept'2nd to September that a week or more?...well ,it took me awhile to do it and to finish it..pretty much it's usually 2 storyboards a day ,both ruff and final sketches ,as well with the same of Color Sketched page.I thought i can do 3 pages a day of color pages , but shit in all effort ,each page consists of 4- 6 hours a that means , i've finished page 2wo of Color Scenes and it took me 4hours ..sometimes 6 to find some errors in color or lil edges of sketches...shit,color takes a long time,but trust me,it'll be worth it at the end,when I animate /video do em "

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