Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"ruff background sketches"DEUCE,SNEAKS,FLICK and PRINCESS

..Sketched and worked on the character Backgrounds 
on the day of :

FRI , AUG '31st'2012
  • DEUCE's CRIB ,he stays with his lil'mija and bigger brother in East L.a 
(( yea,i'm bad with sketching perspective and line sketch,I suck,and admit its my only,one of my weakness..is Perspective,its fun but damn,i cant use a ruler for nothing,damn shame too,oh well...just gotta practice at it))

  •                        SNEAKS (home and background ruff-sketch)
                                 Lives on Venice Beach...yes,on the beach

  •  PRINCESS (home and background -ruff sketch)Of CASTLE ..damn,i had sooo much fun doing this,at 1st I just started off with a simple ruff sketch,light gesture drawings of the grass(bushes/trees),then the hills to the far  right..then i wanted to have,sketch some towns,well little huts or homes,i put that to the far left,upper corner..then from there just some rocks,bridge,and more detail on the castle..using 1pt.perspective...as we look up to her room which is in the center,her sisters place is down below her,the King and Queen rooms are up above,where it has a balcony...from that i wanted to have a darker ,magical side in the background/mid-ground...where she learns dark magic

  •  FLICK ,lives alone...a model,photographer..all he has is his work ,kinda like batman actually ,a rich wealthy Drifter and established young man at the age of 18...comes from a bloodline of dragons tho
                                                      ( ruff-sketch)
                                                   OLD MAN a.k.a " Sensei" ,
                   owns a comic book store that is the only store on the block/corner

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